

Hai Traveler, Tak kan pernah selesai bercerita tentang sebuah perjalanan yang membawa kita ke lokasi terindah. Sepanjang mata memandang adalah bentangan keindahan alam yang akan memperkaya hati, fikiran, dan imajinasi kehidupan. Aku lahir di Solok, namun ak pernah berkunjung ke Daerah Solok Selatan. Lama juga untuk mempersiapkan planing untuk mengunjungi Daerah ini. Dengan membuka Open Trip di Sosial media, akhirnya kami di pertemukan oleh beberapa teman pecinta Alam. Planning pundi Mulai. Jam 03.00 Subuh kami sej

SUMBAR : Kawasan Wisata Baru Dibuka, Biasa Dari Luar Namun Waw di Dalam


West Pasaman, Dilirik oleh wisatawan Mancanegara

Hidden Paradise in West Pasaman  Yup,  sungguh sulit  diungkapkan dengan kata kata ketika kami masuk kepedalaman Pasaman Barat.  Kami seperti berada di sebuah Hutan Amazon yang sangat kental kealamiannya.  Keheningan kami menikmati suasana Hutan dengan kicauan burung dan suara suara di dalam hutan benar benar nyanyian simfoni alam yang menenangkan. Kami berangkat bersama tiga orang wisatawan mancanegara asal Belanda.  Mereka begitu terpukau dengan alam Pasaman Barat yang masih asri,  natural dan belum banyak sentuhan sentuhan pemoles obek wisata. Untuk selera wisatawan mancanegara hal demikianlah yang mereka cari dan inginkan. Mereka pun memajang foto foto keindahan Pasaman di Youtube chanel mereka, dan netizen yang melihat postingan tersebut terpukau akan keindahan Pasaman Barat.   Kamu bisa searching di Youtube chanel @Bikiniandcoconut  Berikut cuplikan netizen mancanegara tentang postingan mereka tentang keindahan alama Pasaman Barat. Netizen dari teman teman

Ecotourism Di Pasaman Barat

Eksplore Sinuruik,  Pasaman Barat.  Hai Sobat Traveler,  kali ini Saya akan bercerita tentang pengalam Saya Explore Desa Sinuruik,  Pasaman Barat.     Bertualang ke Sinuruik, kami bermalam di Mess Wali nagari - sebelah Kantor Camat.  Setelah Sholat Subuh, belum sarapan pagi, Saya di ajak oleh Roby, sohib saya untuk berkeliling di Desa sinuruik.  Dengan Mobil Jeep nya yang tampan, bukan orang nya kami pun mengeliling Sinuruik,sedangkan Saya berdiri di atas mobil Jeep. Desa yang begitu indah dan alami dengan pemandangan alam yang masih beraroma kental pedesaan.  Lokasi pertama yang kami datangi adalah Pak Sudirman,  seorang petani Aren yang memproduksi Gula merah.  Kami mengikuti kegiatan Pak sudirman yang menanggung 6 orang anak. Kakek Tua ini berusia 65 Tahun.  Namun masih tetap kokoh melaksanakan tanggung jawab beliau sebagai kepala Rumah tangga.   Setelah Sholat subuh Pak sudirman sudah bersiap untuk memanjat pohon aren.  Beliau menaiki pohon aren tersebut m




Mount Merapi is an active volcano located in Tanah Datar regency of West Sumatra. There are several hiking trails in this pathway, but the starting point that people use to make the climb here is from the Koto Baru. Before you make the climb, the climbers Usually set up some supplies are still not climbing on the market in New Koto. Here also we can eat and relax and chat with other climbers. For more interest, should make the climb on the mountain in the morning. In addition to health problems, during the ascent we also enjoy the interesting sights along this route. Of koto New market ascent to the post we can choose between starting the countryside on foot or public transport leading to the postal hike. If we choose to walk, much less took about 30 minutes to climb the post. Of heading the journey continues to climb the "Parak rocky 'estates through the population. On the "Parak rocky" we can enjoy the fresh air and volcanic fill water bottles contained in thi


                                    FEEL  LIKE AT HOME  Lorent Home Stay is family house in Padang, close with airport just 30 minute from Minangkabau Air Port. We will pick you up in Air Port. Cost for pick you up is IDR 130.000, wecan drop you also with privat car brand is Toyota Avanza or Toyota Inova. we have six room's, every room have toilet inside at room or toilet outside depend room price.IDR 60000 -100000 include breakfast. view of Lorent Home Stay is field, mountain, garden and we life with traditional style of Minangkabau. Stay together with us, like your family. Eating together, Sharing together, stay really like your house and family. view of around Lorent Home Stay LORENT HOMESTAY ADDRESS :  JL. JAMALLUDDIN UAK KETOK NO 20 RT 14 RW 6,  KELURAHAN PISANG, KEC PAUH.  PADANG. INDONESIA. MOBILE PHONE : +6281267928486


Low Budget Surf In Nyang Nyang island Mentawai    Nyang Nyang Island is one of the five that make up the Southern Siberut, or Playgrounds, region of the Mentawais. It lies 135km south west of the Sumatran mainland and less than 2 degrees below the   equator.  we stay at camped in Nyang-nyang island  has 5 renowned and diverse surf breaks   (short distance) -Bang Bang -Pittstop    -E-Bay -Bank Vault -Nipussi                 From here we can get you to 20 named breaks within half an hour by speedboat. As these breaks are scattered around Nyang Nyang and the neighbouring islands, our surf guides can take you to a break for all wind and swell directions, and for all abilities.  for the Fullboard Package (Option 2 Rate),Every day our speedboat standby to take you to the spot in Nyang - Nyang short distance and Karang Majat long distance. you have chance 1 times to go to long distance There’s no need toever surf nonshore conditions in the Playground.    Karang Maja


WELL C OME TO MENTAWAI                                                EXOTIC'S MENTAWAIAN FAMILYS                                                                                   MENTAWAI BABE,S ALWAYS THE BEST OPTION              FOR HOLIDAY,WE WILL WAITING FOR YOU                              Day 1 Leave Muaro Padang Harbour at 8 pm, taking the overnight ferry boat to Siberut. Watch out for dolphins and flying fish, they can often be seen. Day 2


                                            CHEAP TRAVEL TO PAGANG ISLAND Travelers, this time I will review the city of Padang, the capital of West Sumatra, the province has been very popular as a tourist destination. During this time many travelers just make Padang as a transit point before heading to other cities in West Sumatra and other tourist spots of the more popular, such Bukittinggi, Padang Panjang, Harau Valley, Lake Maninjau, Mentawai Islands, etc.. Stranded in Padang   For ordinary travelers, Padang may seem less exciting to be a tourist destination. Most travelers transiting in Padang just before traveling to tourist destinations are popular in Bukittinggi, Lake Lodge in Agam, Harau Valley District Fifty cities etc.. But this time and will share the unique tourism potential that can be done at the Padang, which is exploring the tiny islands scattered off the coast of Padang.   all my friend who join with me I have a good in information for all of you